The third quarter of 2012 was a kind time for the Durham County real estate market. According to data pulled from the Triangle Multiple Listing Service (MLS), the third quarter of this year was a 17 percent rise in sales from the same time in 2011. The Raleigh movers are glad the local real estate market is gaining momentum, even when involving a slow month like September. 887 homes closed in the three month period, and the median sales price was $167,000, which is a two percent rise from the median price this time last year. The expanded regional area, including Durham county and also Orange, Wake, and Johnston counties experienced a 24 percent increase in closed sales.
Average sales came in around $239,000 in the last quarter when considering the four county area. Additionally, the amount of days spent on the market by homes for sale is shrinking–a positive sign for sellers. New construction permits are increasingly filed, another great sign that Raleigh may be headed in a healthy direction for the local real estate industry.