Many people don’t realize there are green ways to perform daily chores, such as laundry. Consider all the chemicals you use between cleaners, detergents and soaps and then think of the rest of the population using the same–even more! It’s a lot for our Earth to absorb. Thankfully, the Raleigh movers have gathered a few tips to help you maximize your chemical usage and also keep a clean house. Today, we will focus on laundry tips!
Only wash clothes that are dirty. People have a habit of throwing clothes in the dirty laundry even after they have worn items for an hour. Unless you went jogging or are moving, your clothes probably aren’t dirty. Be honest and you’ll not only cut down on your chemical usage but also on how much laundry you have to do! It’s a win-win!
Wash and rinse in cold water, and only wash when you have a full load. Unless you’re in a pinch and need an item for later that day, you should really only do laundry when you have a full load to wash. Did you know heating the water to wash clothes is 90 percent of the energy your washer uses?! Unless you are bleaching sheets or whites, we recommend using cold water.
Use a clothesline. Many people see this as dated, but you will not only cut use of the dryer, you will also cut heat that is circulating in your home from the dryer.
Use natural disinfectants, like white vinegar to add to your rinse cycle. Use green laundry detergents that contain less harmful ingredients and are eco friendly–usually they will be labeled phosphate free and will be derived from plants.