Homes are definitely selling in Raleigh’s Research Triangle area, and here at the Raleigh movers we want to make sure you are pricing your home accordingly to get the most bang for your buck when you sell. In the Triangle alone, home sales are up 35 percent for the month of February.
Throughout years of prices jumping, dropping, sales lagging, picking up–it’s hard to keep track of when is the right time to sell, whether you should price high or if you need to offer something reasonable or low to move a house quickly. The truth is, the only person who will suffer for selling your home below value is you.
Pricing your home near the value (considering upgrades, money put into the home, etc) will get you much closer to your goal of attaining a payout close to what you feel the house is worth. By pricing what you honestly feel you deserve, you aren’t losing. And your confidence in the price resonates to the buyer! Be confident.