Here at the Raleigh movers, we understand times they are a-changing. The American dream no longer consists of a two story home with a white picket fence–and really hasn’t for a while. These days, people seem more inclined to maximize smaller spaces and don’t really care for the maintenance that comes with a big private yard.
Enter: the townhouse. Once strictly seen in urban areas like Manhattan (or Brooklyn brownstones, for example), the townhouse is now a common element of city planning and neighborhood development. In Raleigh, we are no exception. People want the suburban safety without the acreage–the city living outside of the city.
In other countries, like throughout Europe and even in South America, townhomes are the norm. It isn’t to say families can’t afford single, free-standing homes–they just choose not to.
What do you think? Do you prefer the traditional suburban housing of a single home, or are you attracted to the community aspect of a townhome. As long as there aren’t paper thin walls between you and your neighbor, we don’t see the harm!