Everywhere in the world, people are becoming more and more concerned about green living, eco-friendliness, and clean energy. This week, those global concerns are coming home to us here in Raleigh. This week’s “Plug-In 2011″ is a clean-energy technology summit that is bringing clean energy experts and aficionados to Raleigh.
The Raleigh movers already know, and we’re sure you do too, that North Carolina is very supportive of clean energy. In fact, clean energy companies get tax credit incentives here in North Carolina. The upside for the rest of the nation is that these North Carolina companies now have the ability to expand into other markets across the country, subsequently creating jobs for more Americans.
The Plug-In event is closed to the public, however, there will be a viewing this evening from 5pm-10pm of the latest electric cars. Also included in tonight’s events is a screening of the film “Revenge of the Electric Car,” included in the $10 admission.
Think Green!